Overclocking Elphapex DG Home 1


There are plenty of videos on how to overclock the Elphapex DG Home 1, but watching a 15-minute tutorial for a process that takes only 30 seconds seems unnecessary. In this guide, I’ll explain the process in under two minutes.

Using the Elphapex Tool

Download and Setup

  • Download the tool from the official Elphapex website.
  • Unzip the file and run the binary named ElphaPexTool.

Finding Your Miner

  • When you launch the tool, it opens an interface that might look a bit rough.
  • If you know your miner’s IP address, limit the scan range (for example, from to to save time.

Accessing Remote Control

  • Click on your miner’s IP address and select RemoteCtrl.
  • This opens a dialogue where you can choose various modes, such as LED Blinking, Work modes, Sleep, and PowerSave.


  • For increased mining performance, select OverClock.
  • Confirm your choice by clicking Yes. Your miner will then reboot.
  • In my experience, power consumption increased from 590W to 670W. (Based on my power meter, my miner usually runs just under 700W.)

Hash Rate Impact

With the increased power consumption, the hash rate is expected to rise by approximately 10% to 15%.


I haven’t monitored the performance long enough to offer definitive results, but I plan to update this article as more data becomes available. As you can see below, on PowerPool the average hash-rate is significantly higher then with the default Elphapex DG Home 1 settings:

While the overclocking process is simple, it requires a Windows machine—a setup I had to emulate on Ubuntu 22.04 using KVM, which was far from ideal. I hope future updates allow these changes to be made through a web interface or REST API, perhaps even adjusting settings based on electricity prices.

Overall, I’m pleased with the overclocking option since it doesn’t void the warranty and, hopefully, won’t adversely affect the miner’s lifespan.


I mentioned I will update here. Unfortunately I have no idea what my fan speeds were prior the overclocking, but they are now at 1500:

They might have been and might not been lower before overclocking. The miner is significantly louder and heat is becoming an issue in small 11000sqft house I have. Hash-rate is ok:

Update: I have since swiched back to normal and as you can see the fan speeds are significantly lower:

No extra reboots and no issues with internal temperatures either. How does things look on pool side then. The earnings are why we are doing this right:

Now, since DOGE is not doing so well and above I have put everything to BTC starting yesterday, so earnings are not as good as they were at best, but the boost has made things better. Still not where we were and we are not getting there without getting more appreciation on DOGE either. Although BTC is BTC is BTC the DOGE BTC ratio plays an integral part here:

I would really hope we could get back to where we were 01/31 but even with the boost it’s not going to happen as of now.

But then, all the stock rates are down everything is down and I assume this trend will be what it will be next months. Does the Elphapex DG Home 1 ever do ROI I don’t know. I suspect not, but it has been fun journey so far – a bit expensive though.

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