Category Archives: Crypto

Overclocking Elphapex DG Home 1


There are plenty of videos on how to overclock the Elphapex DG Home 1, but watching a 15-minute tutorial for a process that takes only 30 seconds seems unnecessary. In this guide, I’ll explain the process in under two minutes.

Using the Elphapex Tool

Download and Setup

  • Download the tool from the official Elphapex website.
  • Unzip the file and run the binary named ElphaPexTool.

Finding Your Miner

  • When you launch the tool, it opens an interface that might look a bit rough.
  • If you know your miner’s IP address, limit the scan range (for example, from to to save time.

Accessing Remote Control

  • Click on your miner’s IP address and select RemoteCtrl.
  • This opens a dialogue where you can choose various modes, such as LED Blinking, Work modes, Sleep, and PowerSave.


  • For increased mining performance, select OverClock.
  • Confirm your choice by clicking Yes. Your miner will then reboot.
  • In my experience, power consumption increased from 590W to 670W. (Based on my power meter, my miner usually runs just under 700W.)

Hash Rate Impact

With the increased power consumption, the hash rate is expected to rise by approximately 10% to 15%.


I haven’t monitored the performance long enough to offer definitive results, but I plan to update this article as more data becomes available. As you can see below, on PowerPool the average hash-rate is significantly higher then with the default Elphapex DG Home 1 settings:

While the overclocking process is simple, it requires a Windows machine—a setup I had to emulate on Ubuntu 22.04 using KVM, which was far from ideal. I hope future updates allow these changes to be made through a web interface or REST API, perhaps even adjusting settings based on electricity prices.

Overall, I’m pleased with the overclocking option since it doesn’t void the warranty and, hopefully, won’t adversely affect the miner’s lifespan.


I mentioned I will update here. Unfortunately I have no idea what my fan speeds were prior the overclocking, but they are now at 1500:

They might have been and might not been lower before overclocking. The miner is significantly louder and heat is becoming an issue in small 11000sqft house I have. Hash-rate is ok:

No extra reboots and no issues with internal temperatures either. How does things look on pool side then. The earnings are why we are doing this right:

Now, since DOGE is not doing so well and above I have put everything to BTC starting yesterday, so earnings are not as good as they were at best, but the boost has made things better. Still not where we were and we are not getting there without getting more appreciation on DOGE either. Although BTC is BTC is BTC the DOGE BTC ratio plays an integral part here:

I would really hope we could get back to where we were 01/31 but even with the boost it’s not going to happen as of now.

But then, all the stock rates are down everything is down and I assume this trend will be what it will be next months. Does the Elphapex DG Home 1 ever do ROI I don’t know. I suspect not, but it has been fun journey so far – a bit expensive though.

Setting Up and Monitoring ElphaPex DG Home1 on PowerPool Using Home Assistant


Home Assistant is an excellent tool for monitoring the ElphaPex DG Home1 miner. This post covers my observations on optimizing its setup for maximum efficiency with minimal downtime.

PowerPool Configuration

Setting up PowerPool is straightforward. You need to enter the PowerPool stratum address three times. This works because PowerPool addresses have multiple DNS entries. If one connection fails, the miner automatically connects to the next available address.

Configuration Example

When the first active entry fails, the miner switches to the next, as shown in the ElphaPex logs:

Feb 17 08:49:34 DG-Home1 health: min = 44250 max = 49812
Feb 17 08:49:49 DG-Home1 user.err cpuminer[1682]: [ttyS5][Stratum connection timed out]
Feb 17 08:49:49 DG-Home1 user.notice cpuminer[1682]: [ttyS5][current pool: stratum+tcp://, user: elsonico.dg1, pass: x]
Feb 17 08:49:49 DG-Home1 user.err cpuminer[1682]: [ttyS5][Stratum connection interrupted]
Feb 17 08:49:49 DG-Home1 cpuminer[1682]: [ttyS5][Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://]

When a connection fails, the previous pool becomes “Unreachable,” the second “Alive,” and the third remains “Standby.”

This setup works with any mining pool that has multiple resolvable IP addresses. You can verify DNS resolution using:

🕙 11:07:57 ❯ nslookup
Non-authoritative answer: canonical name =


Hash Rate Monitoring

A low hash rate over an extended period indicates a malfunction. Initially, I monitored the hash rate via PowerPool’s API but noticed occasional inaccuracies. To address this, I now monitor the miner’s own reported hash rate alongside PowerPool’s API data.

If the hash rate stays at 0.0 for 15 minutes, Home Assistant automatically reboots the miner using the following automation:

- id: 28077b7f639644688b946f35ccf0127b
  alias: Reboot or Power Cycle Miner
  description: Reboot the miner on low hash rate, fallback to power cycle if needed
  - entity_id: sensor.miner_hashrate_gh
    to: '0.0'
      minutes: 15
    trigger: state
  - minutes: /15 
    trigger: time_pattern
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.miner_hashrate_gh
    below: 0.1
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.electricity_cost_in_cents_per_kwh
    below: 62
  - target:
      entity_id: switch.shellyplug_s_3ce90ee04b97
    action: switch.turn_off
    data: {}
  - delay: 
      seconds: 10
  - target:
      entity_id: switch.shellyplug_s_3ce90ee04b97
    action: switch.turn_on
    data: {}
  mode: single

Note that I only do this when the electricity price is below 62c/kWh. I will go into details later why that has been set the way it has.

Temperature Monitoring

I monitor various circuit temperatures. If any exceed 55°C, an event triggers notifications via email and WhatsApp, giving me time to intervene before an automatic shutdown.

Example of WhatsApp message when any of them go above 56C:

Above is done with following snippet on my automations.yaml:

- id: miner_whats_app_temperature_alert
  alias: WhatsApp alert when miner temperatures are high
    platform: numeric_state
    - sensor.miner_outlet_temperature_1
    - sensor.miner_outlet_temperature_2
    - sensor.miner_inlet_temperature_1
    - sensor.miner_inlet_temperature_2
    above: 55
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{% set temps = namespace(high=false) %} {% for sensor in [\n
      \    'sensor.miner_outlet_temperature_1', \n     'sensor.miner_outlet_temperature_2',
      \n     'sensor.miner_inlet_temperature_1', \n     'sensor.miner_inlet_temperature_2'\n
      \  ] %}\n  {% if states(sensor) not in ['unknown', 'unavailable'] %}\n    {%
      if states(sensor) | float > 55 %}\n      {% set temps.high = true %}\n    {%
      endif %}\n  {% endif %}\n{% endfor %} {{ temps.high }}\n"
  mode: single
  - service: persistent_notification.create
      title: 'Debug: Miner Temperature Alert Triggered'
      message: 'Current temperatures: Outlet 1: {{ states(''sensor.miner_outlet_temperature_1'')
        }}°C, Outlet 2: {{ states(''sensor.miner_outlet_temperature_2'') }}°C, Inlet
        1: {{ states(''sensor.miner_inlet_temperature_1'') }}°C, Inlet 2: {{ states(''sensor.miner_inlet_temperature_2'')
  - service: notify.email_notify
      title: Miner Alert - High Temperature
      message: 'High temperature detected on your miner: Outlet 1: {{ states(''sensor.miner_outlet_temperature_1'')
        }}°C, Outlet 2: {{ states(''sensor.miner_outlet_temperature_2'') }}°C, Inlet
        1: {{ states(''sensor.miner_inlet_temperature_1'') }}°C, Inlet 2: {{ states(''sensor.miner_inlet_temperature_2'')
        }}°C. Please check your miner''s cooling system.'
  - service: notify.whatsapp
      title: Miner Alert - High Temperature
      message: 'High temperature detected on your miner: Outlet 1: {{ states(''sensor.miner_outlet_temperature_1'')
        }}°C, Outlet 2: {{ states(''sensor.miner_outlet_temperature_2'') }}°C, Inlet
        1: {{ states(''sensor.miner_inlet_temperature_1'') }}°C, Inlet 2: {{ states(''sensor.miner_inlet_temperature_2'')
        }}°C. Please check your miner''s cooling system.'

Electricity Price Monitoring

Mining is only profitable below a certain electricity cost. Based on AI-assisted calculations, I set my limit to 62c/kWh. If the price rises above this, Home Assistant turns off the miner:

- id: 634d0fe360ec41c3ac1ea0f3473ad603                                
  alias: Turn Off Miner When Electricity Price Is High                
  description: Turns off the miner when electricity price goes above 62c/kWh
  - entity_id:                                                        
    - sensor.electricity_cost_in_cents_per_kwh                        
    above: 62                                                         
    trigger: numeric_state                                            
  - target:                                                           
      entity_id: switch.shellyplug_s_3ce90ee04b97                     
    action: switch.turn_off                                           
    data: {}                                                          
- id: 9c4564819e404cff95fcc447532bd19b                                
  alias: Turn On Miner When Electricity Price Is Low                  
  description: Turns on the miner when electricity price goes below 62c/kWh                                                                                             
  - entity_id:                                                        
    - sensor.electricity_cost_in_cents_per_kwh                        
    below: 62                                                         
    trigger: numeric_state                                            
  - target:                                                           
      entity_id: switch.shellyplug_s_3ce90ee04b97                     
    action: switch.turn_on                                            
    data: {}                

Room Temperature Monitoring

Since I also use a heat pump, I monitor indoor temperatures. If the bedroom temperature drops below 20°C, the heat pump turns on:

- id: bedroom_temperature_control                                                                                                                                       
  alias: Bedroom Temperature Control
  description: Control bedroom heating based on temperature between 9 AM and 7 PM
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.temperature_bedroom
    below: 20 
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.temperature_bedroom
    above: 20 
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /15
  - condition: time
    after: 09:00:00
    before: '19:00:00'
  - choose:
    - conditions:
      - condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.temperature_bedroom
        below: 20
      - service: climate.set_hvac_mode
          entity_id: climate.ac_12488762
          hvac_mode: heat
      - service: climate.set_temperature
          entity_id: climate.ac_12488762
          temperature: 20
    - conditions:
      - condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: sensor.temperature_bedroom
        above: 21
      - service: climate.turn_off
          entity_id: climate.ac_12488762
  mode: single

Rewards and Taxation

Initially, I set my mining rewards to be paid in BTC. However, I now distribute them as 1/3 BTC, 1/3 DOGE, and 1/3 LTC, balancing risk and market fluctuations.

For tax reporting, I direct rewards to Binance to simplify tracking. Home Assistant helps by exporting electricity costs directly from its database, making expense calculations easier.

I want to see plenty of things with one look from my mobile Home Assistant Companion App. Expected Rewards, current expenses, temperatures, unpaid rewards in BTC, DOGE, LTC, USD and EUR. I want to see current electricity price with everything including transfer tariff and taxes. Some of the things I want see in graphs, some in numbers. The one thing I want to add is uptime, but other than that I’m cool with my current setup.

As you can see, the current expected profit for whole day is only 0.60€. This does not take into consideration that I also heating the whole house with the miner. As you can also see, the current electricity SPOT price is way higher than average. Same time DOGE is valued significantly lower than the average which lowers the expected rewards.

Reward payments and taxation

When I initially setup the miner and payments I decided to have them on de-centralized wallet. But then the conversion fees there are way higher than on Binance for example. I decided to to get the rewards paid directly to Binance for that reason.

Maybe later when I’m doing millions with this I might consider de-centralized wallet, but at the moment when it seems the miner is not going to be paying itself within next two years if ever I don’t feel pressure to get the little I earn from this to anywhere outside Binance.

I feel also that it is easiest to do tax return when everything I earn is on Binance. Home assistant certainly helps in regards calculating the expenses since I can export monthly electricity costs directly from Home Assistant database tables. I’ve already created few views there to make that part of the mining easier.

Final Thoughts

This setup provides an efficient and automated mining operation while reducing downtime. Let me know if you have suggestions for improvement or spot any flaws in my approach!

Elphapex DG Home 1 Monitoring Update


This is a quick update on my mining experience over the past couple of weeks. As mentioned before, I’ve found to be the most efficient option. However, rewards have dropped significantly recently, likely due to rising mining difficulty and declining DOGE and LTC prices. Both factors have negatively impacted profitability.

In my case, these changes alone have reduced profitability by about 25%–35%. Previously, I could earn up to €0.20 per hour at best, but now it’s closer to €0.15.


Several other factors also affect profitability, one of which is monitoring. Over the last two weeks, my miner has gone offline multiple times. I can spot this by keeping an eye on the hashrate for my worker on and then automate a reboot, but that doesn’t really help me understand the root cause.

Initially, I suspected a firmware issue—maybe when it loses the primary pool, it fails to properly connect to the next one in line. However, whenever the miner goes down, it also becomes unreachable via its web interface, indicating something else might be wrong. Since the DG Home1 miner doesn’t provide persistent logs, it’s impossible to diagnose the issue after the fact.

There’s also no straightforward way to monitor the miner remotely, short of writing a custom script. To address this, I created a script called that generates a simple log and publishes certain parameters to an MQTT Broker:

Through my mqtt.yaml, I then create sensor templates and can keep track of these metrics in real time.


One of the most important metrics to watch is temperature. I suspect that if cooling fails, the miner may overheat. According to the documentation, the upper limit is 85°C, at which point the miner shuts down automatically. I’ve set up a system that sends me both email and WhatsApp alerts if any temperature sensor exceeds a specified threshold.

These parameters are similar to the ones shown in the table abowe, plus two additional temperature readings not available through the web interface shown below.


With this setup, my miner not only reboots automatically when hashrate drops, but it also sends notifications explaining why it went offline in the first place.


I hope this simple setup helps others as well. My configuration is somewhat messy, but if you develop an easier or more elegant monitoring system, please let me know. As always, my entire configuration is available on my GitHub repository.

Why mine anything

I’ve been running a DOGE miner for about a week and a half now. I never really thought DOGE was going to be “the next big thing.” I see a bit more potential in Litecoin, but I’m mostly focused on Bitcoin. However, my miner currently doesn’t mine BTC. The BTC miners earns about one-tenth of the profit compared to mining LTC or DOGE. So I rather mine where the money is and put everything to BTC. To be clear: I mine altcoins and take the profit in bitcoin.

To be honest, I’m skeptical about the future of altcoins—especially meme coins. So why am I mining, given that I don’t see much sense in home BTC mining, and I’m not really sold on other cryptocurrencies either? The main reason is that I want to understand the technology. I’ve decided to only invest in BTC, but I still want to explore how other coins work and whether mining Bitcoin at home can ever be truly profitable.

Lately, I’ve become more interested in decentralized AI. The idea is that many of us—myself, you, and others—have GPUs at home. Instead of using them for crypto mining, we could put them to work on decentralized AI projects. Yes, it still consumes electricity, but at least it could serve a more meaningful purpose. We could even apply the same incentive structure that exists in blockchain to reward participants.

Rather than sending our money to large operations in China or the U.S., we could invest in our own local communities by redirecting home mining capacity to AI development. Let’s break free from the current systems!

I know I’m not the only one thinking this. Let’s collaborate and make it happen!

Decentralized AI – dAI.

Integrating Elphapex DG Home 1 crypto miner with Home Assistant

How to Set Up Litecoin Mining with LitecoinPool and Home Assistant

In this guide, we will walk through setting up a Elphapex DG Home 1 miner on LitecoinPool and integrating it with Home Assistant. You’ll learn how to monitor your miner, track profitability, and automate energy management, making your mining experience efficient and cost-effective.

Above the robovacuum in front showing how small the miner actually is. I decided to move the miner later under the stairs for spreading the heat across the apartment more evenly. The noise level is acceptable – around 50db – and comparable what my heat pump generates. I could live without it but I can also tolerate it. It is noticeable but not disturbingly noticeable. That’s what printing money sounds I guess.

Why Mine LTC and DOGE with LitecoinPool?

  • No fees: LitecoinPool offers fee-free mining, maximizing your earnings.
  • Pay-per-Share (PPS): Guaranteed payout per share submitted.
  • Secure payouts: You can receive rewards directly to your wallet.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Miner on LitecoinPool

  1. Create an account on LitecoinPool.
  2. Log in to your account and navigate to the “Settings” section to retrieve your worker credentials.
  3. Configure your miner with the following pool details:
    • URL: stratum+tcp://
    • Username: Your LitecoinPool username
    • Password: Your chosen worker password
  4. Ensure your miner is online and submitting shares to the pool.

In the end I ended up setting thrice on the miner configuration as seen below. The resolves to several IPs so there’s high availability through round robin effect on DNS. The default is located in Europe AFAIK and I could have used also as well or even other mining pools, but after tinkering with the idea I figured out this is the most reasonable setup. Initially I had only one pool, and when that thread died, I wasn’ä’t mining anything either. I have covered that issue also on my Home Assistant configuration later on.

When running the miner the dashboard looks like below on mine setup:

The miner itself is easy to setup so I’m not going much to details here. The default user/password is root/root and I got the IP from my router. It had an issue when using both wireless and wired and I ended up not being able to disable wireless due to that, but I’m ok with it, since I only want to have wireless in the end, although the issue indicates how unfinished the current firmware is.

If you wonder the https URL I’m using above it is because I’ve setup accessing the miner through nginx and I have my own DNS as well. The box is not accessible outside my home network without VPN though.

The box does have ssh daemon listening, but I’m not able to log into it with using root / [web password] which is a bit of a shame. Hopefully that will change with future firmwares.

Step 2: Integrating Your Miner with Home Assistant

Home Assistant provides advanced monitoring and automation capabilities for your mining setup. Here’s how to integrate it:


  • A running instance of Home Assistant
  • The REST API URL and API key from LitecoinPool
  • A smart plug for controlling your miner (e.g., Shelly Plug)

Adding LitecoinPool API to Home Assistant

First, add the REST API integration to Home Assistant:

- platform: rest
  name: Litecoinpool Market Data
  method: GET
  scan_interval: 300
  value_template: "OK"
  json_attributes_path: "$.market"
    - ltc_eur
    - doge_eur

Creating Sensors for Monitoring

Use these template sensors to track your rewards:

      friendly_name: "Total Rewards EUR"
      unit_of_measurement: "€" 
      value_template: >
        {% set total_rewards_ltc = state_attr('sensor.litecoinpool_market_data', 'user')['total_rewards'] | float(0) %}
        {% set total_rewards_doge = state_attr('sensor.litecoinpool_market_data', 'user')['total_rewards_doge'] | float(0) %}
        {% set ltc_price_eur = state_attr('sensor.litecoinpool_market_data', 'market')['ltc_eur'] | float(0) %}
        {% set doge_price_eur = state_attr('sensor.litecoinpool_market_data', 'market')['doge_eur'] | float(0) %}
        {{ ((total_rewards_ltc * ltc_price_eur) + (total_rewards_doge * doge_price_eur)) | round(2) }}

I have also created sensor template for my SPOT electricity price both in €/kWh and c/kWh:

- platform: template
      friendly_name: "Electricity Cost Per kWh"
      unit_of_measurement: "€/kWh"
      value_template: >
        {% set spot_price = (states('sensor.nordpool_kwh_fi_eur_3_10_0255') | float(0)) / 100 %}
        {% set electricity_tax = 0.0283 %}
        {% set transfer_day = 0.0262 %}
        {% set transfer_night = 0.0137 %}
        {% set now = now() %}
        {% set transfer_cost = transfer_night if now.hour >= 22 or now.hour < 7 else transfer_day %}
        {{ (spot_price + electricity_tax + transfer_cost) | round(4) }}
      friendly_name: "Electricity Cost in Cents Per kWh"
      unit_of_measurement: "c/kWh"
      value_template: >
        {% set spot_price = (states('sensor.nordpool_kwh_fi_eur_3_10_0255') | float(0)) %}
        {% set electricity_tax = 2.83 %}
        {% set transfer_day = 2.62 %}
        {% set transfer_night = 1.37 %}
        {% set now = now() %}
        {% set transfer_cost = transfer_night if now.hour >= 22 or now.hour < 7 else transfer_day %}
        {{ (spot_price + electricity_tax + transfer_cost) | round(4) }}

When above are set I get nice graph for my hash rate and real electricity price including taxes and transfer fees:

Plus I get daily rewards, paid rewards, profitability, electricity consumption and all key parameters to monitor the appliance.

Automating Miner Power Management and Crash Detection

I created an automation to turn off the miner if electricity prices exceed a threshold when it is not profitable anymore. When electricity price goes lower the miner will be powered on again. I might need to change the threshold, but below is based on current profitability calculation without taking profit generated by heating the house:

 alias: Turn Off Miner When Electricity Price Is High
  description: "Turns off the miner when electricity price goes above 33c/kWh"
    - platform: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.electricity_cost_in_cents_per_kwh
      above: 33
    - service: switch.turn_off
        entity_id: switch.shellyplug_s_3ce90ee04b97
- alias: Turn On Miner When Electricity Price Is Low 
  description: "Turns on the miner when electricity price goes below 33c/kWh"
    - platform: numeric_state
      entity_id: sensor.electricity_cost_in_cents_per_kwh
      below: 33
    - service: switch.turn_on
        entity_id: switch.shellyplug_s_3ce90ee04b97

I also wanted to restart the miner if there is no mining detected on Litecoinpool. For this I use hashrate. If hashrate is 0 then I will reboot the miner.

- alias: Reboot or Power Cycle Miner
  description: Reboot the miner on low hash rate, fallback to power cycle if needed
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.litecoinpool_hashrate
      to: "0"
      for: "00:15:00"
  condition: []
    - service:
        entity_id: button.shellyplug_s_3ce90ee04b97_reboot
    - delay: "00:10:00"  # Wait 10 minutes to see if reboot resolves the issue
    - condition: state
      entity_id: sensor.litecoinpool_hashrate
      state: "0"  # Hashrate is still 0
    - service: switch.turn_off
        entity_id: switch.shellyplug_s_3ce90ee04b97
    - delay: "00:00:10"  # Wait 10 seconds
    - service: switch.turn_on
        entity_id: switch.shellyplug_s_3ce90ee04b97
  mode: single

Benefits of Integrating Mining with Home Assistant

  • Real-time monitoring: Track hash rate, rewards, and energy consumption.
  • Profitability tracking: Automatically calculate earnings and costs.
  • Energy efficiency: Automate miner power based on electricity prices.


This is small miner so it will not generate much profit, but at best it is around 4€/day. It also generates a lot of heat which saves me on heating costs. That being said, I have heat pump which is more effective on heating. On the other hand I save on heating more than just the direct cost, since I can deduct the electricity cost from tax return on profit

We will see where the average profit will land – that depends on DOGE price as well as on how the mining rewards will progress in the future. I’d expect the miner not to be gold mine, but I also assume it will generate some profit and capital gain within next five years. It is more of a hobby than real money maker though.

Initial conclusion

By combining LitecoinPool and Home Assistant, you can optimize your mining setup for maximum profitability and efficiency. The integration allows you to monitor rewards, manage costs, and automate operations seamlessly.

Choosing the mining pool

I initially chose LitecoinPool because it has good profitability and easy to setup. LitecoinPool is excellent choice in my opinion but obviously no one should not settle with the first choice. I investigated a bit more. It seems at least if you check from that PowePool has the highest rewards and comes 2.4% with less rewards when I checked. Obviously PowerPool is biased on this, so I need to monitor longer to do the final decision.

Anyhow since lets choose the crypto currency to get the rewards paid on I decided to give it a try. In my case just getting everything in BTC makes sense, since I have actually planned to convert all the rewards to BTC anyway. I haven’t really decided what my final strategy will be though.

Within my first week of experimenting I started with where I ended up earning around 25€ for the few days there. I liked the API options available and how the web page is simple. The reward are payed on both DOGE and LTC and payments are easy to set up. When you set for example payments to 30DOGE and 0,001LTC you get paid almost every second day around 11€. is my cohice for now, since it seems to provide be best profitability and I can get paid everything in BTC so I don’t need to do any conversions which in my country are by the way all taxable operations and needs to be reported on tax return.

I tried out also It has the widest selection of options and coins you can get your rewards. The profitability on all these three depends on various factors. I didn’t run on to really receive any rewards. BUt as you can see from below picture, it truly supports several coins in a way miner can see exactly what he or she is mining.

Switching to to a different pool means basically just changing the stratum UR, username and password. These

Elphapex configuration for PowerPool

Since I decided in the end stick on PowerPool here are the few things I did there.

Setting up another pool is as easy as create an account and the new miner URLs on Elphapex miner page and save. Even restart is not necessarily needed.

Above pictures illustrates and rewards in about 48 hours after I changed the configuration.

PowerPool HomeAssistant Dashboard

Setting up the Home Asisstant Dashboard with same setup as I have for LitecoinPool is a bit harder, since PowerPool API is missing certain reward data – expected daily rewards for example – which makes it much harder to create similar profitability values as I have setup for LitecoinPool. I have currently following confirguration for PowerPool on my sensors.yaml:

- platform: rest         
  name: "PowerPool Hashrate"                                                                                                        
  resource: !secret powerpool_user_api_url
  value_template: "{{ | float }}"
  unit_of_measurement: "GH/s"
  scan_interval: 300

- platform: rest         
  name: "PowerPool Rejection Rate"                                                                                                        
  resource: !secret powerpool_user_api_url
  value_template: "{{[0].rejectedPercentage | float }}"
  unit_of_measurement: "%"
  scan_interval: 300

- platform: rest         
  name: "PowerPool BTC Balance"                                                                                                        
  resource: !secret powerpool_user_api_url
  value_template: >
    {% for balance in %}
      {% if balance.coinTicker == 'BTC' %}
        {{ balance.balance | float }}
        {% break %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
  unit_of_measurement: "BTC"
  scan_interval: 300

- platform: rest         
  name: "PowerPool USD Balance"                                                                                                        
  resource: !secret powerpool_user_api_url
  value_template: >
    {% for balance in %}
      {% if balance.coinTicker == 'BTC' %}
        {{ balance.balanceUSD | float }}
        {% break %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
  unit_of_measurement: "USD"
  scan_interval: 300

- platform: rest         
  name: "PowerPool BTC Rewards"                                                                                                        
  resource: !secret powerpool_user_api_url
  value_template: >
    {% for reward in[0].totalRewards %}
      {% if reward.coinTicker == 'BTC' %}
        {{ reward.totalRewards | float }}
        {% break %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
  unit_of_measurement: "BTC"
  scan_interval: 300

I created following card yaml:

type: vertical-stack
  - type: history-graph
      - entity: sensor.powerpool_hashrate
    hours_to_show: 24
    refresh_interval: 60
    name: Hashrate (Last 24h)
  - type: entities
    title: PowerPool Metrics
      - entity: sensor.powerpool_hashrate
      - entity: sensor.powerpool_btc_balance
      - entity: sensor.powerpool_usd_balance
      - entity: sensor.powerpool_rejection_rate
  - type: entities
    title: Miner Energy Costs
      - entity: sensor.electricity_cost_in_cents_per_kwh
        name: Electricity price
        icon: crypto:fiat-eur
      - entity: sensor.shellyplug_s_3ce90ee04b97_energy_cost_hourly
        name: Cost per Hour
        icon: crypto:fiat-eur
      - entity: sensor.shellyplug_s_3ce90ee04b97_energy_cost_daily
        name: Cost per Day
        icon: crypto:fiat-eur
      - entity: sensor.shellyplug_s_3ce90ee04b97_energy_cost_weekly
        name: Cost per Week
        icon: crypto:fiat-eur

Above card creates something like like below with running about 10 hours:

I spent a whole day figuring out how to get same configuration I had with Litecoinpool done within couple of hours. I ended up getting much more information in the end. The below card has pretty much all I could think of.

The full configuration

The code snippets above does not have my full Home Assistant configuration, but as normal you can check the whole configuration from my GitHub Repo.